Friday, March 25, 2011

If I have to look at Leslie Visser one more time

I will throw up.

Seriously, does it make any sense that women in sports broadcasting are supposed to starve themselves or do whatever Leslie Visser has done to herself while Vern Lundquist is allowed to take up 3/4 of the television screen? He looks like he could eat Raftery at any moment.


Knott said...

You're right, 3/4. And we have the widescreen. He's no Jim Nance, I'll give you that. Ah, Jim Nance...

Knott said...

Wait, I mean Nantz, not Nance. Rhymes with Pantz, I guess.

Knott said...

I was thinking of Jim Nance, the former fullback for the New England Patriots. You know, from the Grogan/Roman Gabriel era. Wow, how much wine have I had? I'll probably stop writing comments now and lie down.