Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Victory, sweet victory

Wow, I was sure I was going to pull a Bill Buckner and choke in the final rounds. And thanks to the meister's Hitchcockian suspenseful silence I didn't know where everyone stood.

All of the past winners have been sending SWAG (stuff winners all get) that I didn't know existed -- I'll have to keep it all a secret, of course, because it's only revealed once one comes out on top. I can though, I think, thank Dana for sharing the grapes.

OK, I have work to do. Specifically, weeding 4 rows of lavender with Amy Winehouse blaring from the barn, while the monastery next door does their Gregorian chants.

Take care,

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Dykes! Dykes! Dykes!

No, it's not a promo for the latest Fox Network reality tv show, it's our pool champ. Congrats (and real ones, not the typically phony congratulations I grudgingly slop out when I'm bummed that someone beat me) to our own Chris Dykes, Oklahoma's Finest. He walked away from the field in the late rounds by picking every dang game right, which is a good strategy. (For the record, the only other Poolie to get a Kansas over Memphis final was H Dayle Kendall Zelenka - kudos to you as well, sir.)

A beautiful trophy will be on its way to Senor Dykes soon. Maybe. (This year, I might even have one made. I'm feeling ambitious. But don't hold your breath, Chris.)

As for the rest of us, well, we stink. I should offer another congrats to the J-Hawk faithful out there, whether born (John Coleman - anyone else a Kansan by birth?) or by transplantation (all of the Dewitts, now luxuriating in a balmy Lawrence April. I was so sick (better now, thanks) that I fell asleep by halftime, so I didn't get to watch Memphis brick their way out of championship. As you have no doubt heard me rant before (skip ahead if you're in a hurry or anything) bad team free throw shooting is the damn coach's fault, and that's all there is to it. So bwa ha ha ha for losing because your coach is too lazy to make you practice free throws.

Enough of Knott's Basketball Strategy Camp. The Final Standings are:

Name Final Four Semis Final Total
1 Chris Dykes 77 10 6 93
2 David Prown 71 5 6 82
2 Ruth Dewitt 77 5 0 82
2 Sarah Bowman 72 10 0 82
5 Willow Coleman 67 5 6 78
6 Cal Dewitt 66 5 6 77
6 Dayle Zelenka 61 10 6 77
6 Jonathan Knott 72 5 0 77
9 Kate Lewis 76 0 0 76
9 Mike Winkler 71 5 0 76
11 Tim Bowman 69 5 0 74
12 Henry Dewitt 62 5 6 73
13 Bill O'Hearn 66 5 0 71
13 Calvin Dewitt 66 5 0 71
13 Favorites 71 0 0 71
16 John Coleman 58 5 6 69
16 Steve Backs 69 0 0 69
18 Matt Peterson 66 0 0 66
19 Chris Knott 65 0 0 65
19 Liz Rambeau 60 5 0 65
21 Sarah Prown 64 0 0 64
22 Scott Silet 63 0 0 63
23 Hank Zelenka 62 0 0 62
23 Maggi Jackson 62 0 0 62
25 Harrison Lewis 55 0 0 55
25 Sophie Peterson 55 0 0 55
27 Dana Duffy 49 0 0 49
28 Acy Jackson 48 0 0 48
29 Gena Zelenka 45 0 0 45
30 Ned/Kate O'Hearn 37 0 0 37
31 Rosalie Coleman 33 0 0 33
32 Ellie/Ben Peterson 32 0 0 32
33 Alexander Knott 26 0 0 26

I'm sorry I've been so out of touch over the past few days. I've been in DC, then hosting 3 law professors and 6 students from France, then sick as a dog. All in all, it's kept me hopping. Now basketball's over, the Yankees kind of look like they're going to stink a little, and suddenly I don't know what to do with my copious free time. When's lacrosse season start? Anybody fancy a flutter?


So, who won the pool?

The Poolmeister is ailing. Results out soon, but first there's a nap or two to be taken. Patience, grasshopper.

Hacking and coughing,


Saturday, April 05, 2008

There are dates.

I'm sitting down now to watch UNC/Kansas and I ask Dana, who is just coming in from the grocery,
"Any snacks?".
Answer, "No, I didn't think we needed anything. There are dates."

Yes, dates- the official Final Four snack food of people who don't know what snack food is.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Now I know where Chris learned German?

Which side are you on.....soul sister?

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

For Dana

Question for Miss Phila: Ms. Fishtown, two men are running for state rep. from Philadelphia. One is facing 149 charges of federal crime; the second man proudly claims he has been under indictment for 15 years. Your question is: Who would you vote for and why?

Ja Wohl, Baby

A little sing along for us, to get ready for the final 4.