Sunday, April 06, 2014

It's over: it's Matt in a more or less wire-to-wire walkover.


Well I'll be. This is a first, at least as far as my fading memory can recall. Nobody picked either national semi game correctly (really? Kentucky and UConn? An 8 and a 7? What the what?) Among other things, that means that nobody stands to score even a single point in the final game. I don't see myself making much of an effort to watch. It's that really, not at all that I finished in 19th place and Maggi finished in 3rd. Ugh, it's going to be a long spring and summer around here.

But (and not to be grudging about it) today is Matt's day. He's your 2014 Pool Winner, friends. Our own Matt Peterson, the Clooney/Kennedy/Newman of our pool. (That's Paul Newman, not the guy from Seinfeld.)

Matt! Matt! Matt! I wonder what forfeit his lovely bride Liz will now have to perform. I hope it's appropriately degrading. Congrats, Matt. You sucked slightly less than the rest of us.

So, below then, I'm reproducing the standings from Round 4, the regional final round. I've added Semi and Championship columns to make it look official, but nobody's getting any points in either R5 or R6.

It's over, man. Oy. Thanks for playing, everyone.



Bill said...

Thanks to the Meister. So close and yet far away. Well done Matt!

Knott said...

BOH, I've held off on the Canadian aspect of all this. You and Diana, and now my cousin Sarah and her husband Tim have moved to Montreal. That means that 15% or so of the pool are in Canada. That is obviously a disqualifier, right? No Canuck can win an American hoop pool.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I was prepared to deduct points for your lack of patriotism should the need arise. USA! USA! USA!


SP said...

Oh Matt, do we have a treat for you!!!