Friday, March 22, 2013

Uh oh...

Harvard beat New Mexico???    What in the freakin' hell is that all about?  Can I have a do-over?


Liz said...

I called this one. I'm just saying.
I will lose the pool as always--but I called this one.

SP said...

Yes! Bully and huzzah for the men of Cambridge. It was a jolly good showing!

I'm glad someone is having a moment of joy, but I am still weeping for my bracket...

Bill said...

Great call by Liz! Great game - and how about the Davidson tragedy?

Knott said...

Fight Fiercely, Harvard!

Fight fiercely, Harvard,
fight, fight, fight!
Impress them with our prowess, do!
Oh, fellows, do not let the crimson down,
Be of stout heart and true.
Come on, chaps, fight for Harvard's glorious name,
Won't it be peachy if we win the game?
(Oh, goody!)
Let's try not to injure them, but
Fight, fight, fight!
Let's not be rough, though
Fight, fight, fight!
And do fight fiercely!
Fight, fight, fight!

I wonder if you all can imagine how much I love watching Steve Alford lose. It's like Steve with Bob Huggins. I'm the tournament champ already, just because that mug was once again proven to be the worst coach in hoop. Ah.

Dana said...

Nice going Liz. I thought I would never hear the end of it if I went with them. Lost opportunity for me to gloat.