Ok, maybe I'm not the busiest guy on the planet, but it's a bit hectic. I've not really watched or followed the lead up to the tourney. Doing my picks at the last minute. Adding names to the Hoopkids blog at 11:15pm. And I've got a performance (uh, presentation) in Chapel Hill next Thursday to prepare.
Still, how many of you can say that you are going to be sitting in an Irish Pub, Guinness in hand, foam mustache, wireless laptop and all, watching the opening tip off? I continue my tradition of taking off from work and watching all 36 hours of hoops this weekend. Come on, join me! I'll save you a seat at the bar.
You know, if I lived in a civilized state I could take my kids to the bar and watch the games. But it's a sin to take your kids to a bar, or even in a liquor store in Indiana. So most Hoosiers just leave them in the car.
Car sounds good. But since there are no laws in Maine, we're just filling the sippy cup with Jameson and letting nature takes its course.
Dana, it's convenient that the beer runs can be done at the drive thru packy in Indiana.
Of course in Maine, you just drive down the driveway to the mailbox (2.5 miles) and ask Ole' Man Whittensteen for some squeezins...
I don't think we have drive thru's here in the Hoosier state, given the goof ball blue laws we have. And just how many tax dollars are lost each year because it's illegal to sell beer on Sundays, I ask?
Mike may be thinking of 'drive thru pony kegs', a Cincinnati thing, where if I remember correctly, there are legal requirements to have them within 500 feet of every catholic church. Obviously, this was a misguided attempt by protestant legislators to sow alcoholism among the catholic population, who didn't know that the churches already kept beer by the barrel in the school cafeterias. But I digress- the drive thru, a concept I can get behind.
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