Friday, March 28, 2008

Today's games - who picked whom?


Now look, I have a job here. And I need to get back to it before the people who tell me what to do start to notice. You do need, I know, to have an idea of who is picking winners and who isn't. So here goes. And then I, your humble meister, have to get back at it. Sigh.

1. Kansas - Everybody else
12. Villanova - Nobody
13. Siena - Acy, Ellie/Ben
8. UNLV - Alexander, Dana, Gena, Rosalie
9. Vandy - Steve
16. Portland State - Ned/Kate
5. Clemson - Tim

3. Wisc - Dykes, Dana, Ruth, Bill, Gena, both Sarahs, Steve, Willow, John, Hank
10. Davidson - Ellie/Ben (could be the genius pick of the tournament)
2. Georgetown - Everybody else
14. Cal. St. Fullerton - Alexander
6. USC - Steve, DavidP

1. Memphis - Everybody else
5. Michigan State - Nobody (no love for the Big 10)
9. Oregon - Alexander, Gena, Rosalie
8. MS State - Dana, Ellie/Ben
16. UT-Arlington - Ned/Kate
4. Pitt - Knott, Acy, Mike, Cal, SarahP, Matt, Harrison

2. TX - Everybody else
3. Snodfart - Dykes, Dana, SarahB, Tim, Harrison, Scott, Dayle
14. Cornell - Acy, Ellie/Ben, Sophie
11. Kentucky - Alexander, Gena
10. St. Mary's - Bill

Good luck, everyone.


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