Saturday, March 22, 2008

Day Two results, Round One totals

Dearest Poolies,

Ah, Round One is over. As usual, I'm in the crapper, but I'm not at the bottom, so I guess that's ok. As dull as Day One was, Day Two made up for it and more. Six upsets, including two 12 seeds and two 13 seeds moving on. It was amazing to me how many people picked those games. I was going to list everyone who did, but it just would've been too long a laundry list.

That said, there was a genius pick yesterday. Together, sibs Ellie and Ben Peterson managed to pick all six upsets correctly, an almost unimaginable (by me, anyway) feat of prognostication. Congrats to our budding Nostradamuses. (The fact that the juniors love to pick the upsets more or less uniformly does not blunt their accomplishment, at least not in my eyes.) They have, as you might guess, shot up the standings.

After Round One then, the standings are:

Name R1D1 R1D2 Round 1
1 Chris Dykes 14 13 27
1 Dana Duffy 12 15 27
1 Matt Peterson 12 15 27
1 Willow Coleman 17 10 27
5 Cal Dewitt 16 10 26
5 Mike Winkler 12 14 26
5 Ruth Dewitt 15 11 26
5 Sarah Prown 14 12 26
5 Sophie Peterson 12 14 26
10 Gena Zelenka 14 11 25
10 Steve Backs 13 12 25
12 Favorites 14 10 24
12 Jonathan Knott 11 13 24
12 Kate Lewis 16 8 24
12 Scott Silet 14 10 24
16 Acy Jackson 12 11 23
16 Calvin Dewitt 13 10 23
16 Ellie/Ben Peterson 6 17 23
16 Hank Zelenka 14 9 23
16 Harrison Lewis 11 12 23
16 Liz Rambeau 11 12 23
16 Sarah Bowman 14 9 23
23 Chris Knott 12 10 22
23 Henry Dewitt 10 12 22
23 Rosalie Coleman 12 10 22
23 Tim Bowman 14 8 22
27 Bill O'Hearn 11 10 21
27 David Prown 12 9 21
27 Dayle Zelenka 12 9 21
27 John Coleman 12 9 21
31 Ned/Kate O'Hearn 8 11 19
32 Alexander Knott 7 11 18
32 Maggi Jackson 10 8 18

Let's hope Round Two is as fun. If I get a chance (I have a two year old climbing over me more or less nonstop) I'll try to get out a message showing who has picked what today. Don't hold your collective breath(s).

Later, my pets.


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