Sad, now, that the tourney is over, it's time to wrap up. First, big congrats go to Matthew Peterson, The (New) Sage of Ithaca and Soon To Be Sage of Pittsburgh. That's some title, man, but you've earned it. Matt more or less lapped the field, with the rest of us straggling behind. And who, you ask, are those stragglers? Well, tied for second place are England Bill (and John Ford Coley, 'member those weasels, oldsters?) and Her Grace, Agnes Coyla Jackson. Bill is a past champ, so ending up at or near the top is nothing new for him, but this is Acy's best showing ever, I think. She's busy tonight, as it's the opening night of Romeo and Juliet (where Acy is the Nurse and Tybalt - I'm not kidding here). We'll celebrate her house championship (she killed Maggi, Alexander and me) in some appropriate way. What are the Rambeau Petersons planning to celebrate their Duke-like dynasty? And across the pond, will Bill be wearing ermine and carrying a scepter for his second place finish? Stay tuned to find out.
Now on to the accounting. Below is the final chart, filled with numbers that might or might not be accurate. Below that find a chart showing, well, nothing really, but does demonstrate my ability to make a chart in Excel.
Congrats to the top of the pile, and for the rest of us, a renewed vow to get them next year, eh?
with thoughts turning to baseball,
I remain,

1 comment:
Congratulations to the Cornell clan. I'm not sure what all these fancy graphs are, but I appreciate the effort. I, too, despise all things Doors. I think it's the player piano.
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