Sunday, March 23, 2008

Round Two, Day One


The third day of the tourney has ended. And what a day Day Three was. Duke lost (bwa ha ha ha ha), UCLA almost lost, Notre Dame lost (I love it when they lose), and the incredibly meager Big 10 got two wins yesterday. Amazing.

Big genius yesterday was a new entrant, my groovy cousin-in-law Tim Bowman. Sarah Bowman is the white sheep of my family; smart, hardworking, good-looking, successful; all the things the rest of the Knotts just aren't. She's the Marilyn Munster of the Knott family. Tim, yesterday's genius, is her hubbie. For those of you who don't know them, they live in Bloomington. Sarah works with Steve at MCPL, and Tim is getting his Ph.D. in whatever they now call the school that used to teach Library Science. I suppose it's Something Information Something, but the point is, smarter people go there than when we were all there. I suspect nobody in Tim's program brings leftover fruit in a Playmate cooler to distribute to lunchmates, for example. Anyhoo, Tim got 7 of 8 games correct yesterday; a damn fine showing.

Here then, are the results and standings after Day Three. Sad to think that after today, there'll only be 15 games left. Poolwise, it looks as though Chris D., Willow, Dana and the horde of you a point or two behind them, are locked in a titanic struggle for supremacy. Those of us well back are looking for the Cheetos, popping open another YooHoo, and deciding whether a shower is really necessary on a day like today.

Enjoy the day.


Name Rnd 1 R2D1 Total
1 Chris Dykes 27 12 39
1 Willow Coleman 27 12 39
3 Dana Duffy 27 10 37
4 Cal Dewitt 26 10 36
4 Kate Lewis 24 12 36
4 Mike Winkler 26 10 36
4 Ruth Dewitt 26 10 36
4 Tim Bowman 22 14 36
9 Sarah Bowman 23 12 35
10 Jonathan Knott 24 10 34
11 Gena Zelenka 25 8 33
11 Hank Zelenka 23 10 33
11 Matt Peterson 27 6 33
11 Steve Backs 25 8 33
15 Chris Knott 22 10 32
15 Sarah Prown 26 6 32
15 Sophie Peterson 26 6 32
18 Acy Jackson 23 8 31
18 Bill O'Hearn 21 10 31
18 Calvin Dewitt 23 8 31
18 David Prown 21 10 31
18 Dayle Zelenka 21 10 31
18 Harrison Lewis 23 8 31
24 Favorites 24 6 30
24 Scott Silet 24 6 30
25 Liz Rambeau 23 6 29
26 Henry Dewitt 22 6 28
27 John Coleman 21 6 27
28 Rosalie Coleman 22 4 26
29 Ellie/Ben Peterson 23 2 25
30 Maggi Jackson 18 6 24
31 Ned/Kate O'Hearn 19 2 21
32 Alexander Knott 18 2 20


Sarah said...

My best attributes? You forgot...I also can swear like a sailor.

Knott said...

You're *%^&$(&^ right you can, you little (*#&$**%%&@^. In fact, could you really be related to me without having that ability? It might really be our family's great contribution to life.

$^%*#$$&ly yours,