Saturday, March 29, 2008

not so nimba marimba

Wisconsin let me down but I always got South Carolina! I'm so hoping one of you out there saw this with Steve and me. It's way worse than either of us remember.


duck duck said...

Most excellent! Dana you may not win the pool, but you win for the best entries, by far.

Dana said...

It's just too bad we can't find the posting of a Miss America contestant answering the question about her feelings towards Affirmative Action in the workplace; her answer "I think everyone should act affirmatively in the workplace." Or Miss North Carolina telling everyone "I know I bear arms in my daily life." as the answer to how she felt about gun control.

Sarah said...

I never saw this originally, but just spent 4 minutes watching the whole thing. I can't help thinking that her face the whole time is betraying the fact that she knows this is the lamest talent ever.