Monday, March 31, 2008

Hoosierdom looking for that next Big Red coach.

IU just got turned down by a guy who's only been coaching at a "major" program for a couple years, a guy who is probably just about everything the Hoosier faithful want in a coach- squeaky clean, young, midwestern and well, Caucasian. But they couldn't land him, making the list of guys who have turned them down about twice as large as the list of guys who want to end up at IU; this once proud program has fallen that far. And the only coach who has publicly said he'd be interested is John Calipari, who of course Hoosier fans would never accept because he's shady...and from a big city. But the real news is that Sean Miller seems to be saying he's not interested either. I know talk is cheap, but god I hope this is true:
“I will be at Xavier,” Miller said after his team lost to UCLA Saturday. “I’m looking forward to coaching at Xavier and continuing on with what we’ve done for years behind me and what we’ve done this year.”
Really, I used to like IU basketball. Okay, maybe that's too strong a term. They didn't bother me, or at least their fans didn't. But after the last six years of seeing these morons parading around town in their Texas Tech sweaters, all I can say is I am a Xavier fan.


cdykes said...

Oh how the mighty have fallen. Indiana basketball sounds like Jaguar and Land Rover being sold to Indian TATA -- once proud, but now sold at a loss to former colonies.

Dana said...

Nice to see that your goat revived itself and you're back on top. Personally, I want you to win so that I can forever refer to you in Hoopkids as The Fainting Goat. Now if that were a basketball team..!
I'm assuming it's because we're parents and keeping the blog clean that Bobby Knight's golf show outtakes we'rent posted by Steve.

cdykes said...

You know, if I had some of those goats at the farm I'm afraid I would never get tired of scaring the bejeezus out of them, so it's best I don't get any.

cdykes said...

...and I think Steve should post the Bobby Knight link anyway. It's educational.

Sarah said...

Don't be an IU hater, yo.

Steve said...

Tom Crean.

Young? Check. Midwestern? Check. Squeaky clean? Check. Familiar with the motion offense? Check.

We have a winner, folks.