Thursday, March 16, 2006


So for all of you in- the- know people... Blaise Cronin, esteemed Farrah-haired dean of SLIS, has stated (and since embarrisingly recanted) that blogs are idiotic and don't mean anything to the world of academia (I'm paraphrasing but it's funnier that way) So I tried to post a message at SLIS today and it flatly refused to do so. However it did end up on the message board or whatever you call that part. Anyway, I'm here now and know better than to mess with Blog-hating-Farrah.


duck duck said...

from what I've been told in library Farrah, or closely resembling Farrah.

Just get out of that space, woman.

There are underground blogs where the true librarians live...

and knit.


duck duck said...

I meant to say library school, but it is late - midnight - who is awake now, except unemployed people and those with extensive vacation time.

I applied for a job tonight at Penn. We'll see what happens. Otherwise, in April a new Canon camera comes out, if taxes go right. I will be shooting skateboarders and ordinary citizens going through an ordinary day.

I wish we could get to see you. You are my comedic inspiration. Just try not to use words like "sabotage" as the title to your blog entry. It's kind of risky.
