We have made a few decisions regarding next year's pool:
1) Entry fees will be re-introduced. This was forwarded by Winkler, who was wrecked to learn there no prize this year...and by the way what happened to his entry fee, Chrissy? Kids will be charged a reduced fee, which was deemed appropriate as the best way to introduce them to the fine american tradition of destroying the country's office productivity for 1/12th of the year.
2) The traveling trophy. Admitting that he and Maggi are unlikely to ever actually make such a thing, Chrissy proposed to shrink wrap a Quarterpounder with cheese, which will serve as the traveling trophy until Alex is old enough to make one for them. Unfortunately, at this point he seems only capable of a singular artform which is unfortunately not approved for shipping via USPS or FedEx.
3) Points. Those who picked George Mason (ever notice that the root of genius is Gen?) pulled a mini-Anschluss on the Meister and have forced the committee to create a new point-weighting system for the lower seeds who go deep into the tourney. Naturally, this will guard against the possibility of an 11 seed ever going further than the second round again.
Anyhoo- we'll work that scheme out at the next meeting, to be held in Portland. Then we will ask Dayley Boy to devise a new scheme for us, since our entire time there will be spent awash in beer, butter and lobster.
After the meeting, PoolMeister Chrissy gave us a tour of Poolcentral. Here are a few pics:
Poolmeister's private privy.
Lastly, Poolmeister just left to take Acy to rehearsal and Maggi is changing everyone's picks in the spreadsheet.
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