Saturday, March 25, 2006

Standings after Friday's games


Well, another day's hoop is over, and I'm drifting downward in the standings. That will never do. Last night's games were good ones, wish I'd picked better. Nobody got all 4 games, but we do have a couple of geniuses to report on. Gena and Steve got the George Mason game right, I don't really understand what made them think of picking Mason. That's why I lose every year, I guess. A bunch of people got UConn and Villanova, but on Maggi, Dana, David, Eileen, Matt and Ruth picked Florida. Mike is still whipping the field, and Dave and Eileen got 3 of the 4 games right yesterday. Congrats to the bigbrains among you.

The standings, then, after Round Three:

1. Mike (6) - 67
2. Dave (9) - 58
2. Favs (6) - 58 (Again, embarrassing)
2. Maggi (6) - 58
2. Sophie (6) - 58
2. Steve (6) - 58
7. David (6) - 57
7. Eileen (6) - 57
7. Sarah (6) - 57
10. John (3) - 54
10. Ruth (3) - 54
12. Bill (3) - 53
12. Calvin (6) - 53
12. Dayle (6) - 53
15. Matt (3) - 52
16. Scott (3) - 50
16. Knott (3) - 50
18. Dykes (3) - 47
19. Hank (6) - 46
20. Dana (6) - 45
21. Ben (6) - 44
22. Liz (6) - 42
23. Jonathan (0) - 41
23. Acy (0) - 41
25. Willow (3) - 40
26. Gena (3) - 38
27. Ellie (0) - 29
28. Alexander (0) - 28

As a result of my crappy showing last night, the only way I can beat Maggi is if Texas wins today and then wins next week. How likely is that? We'll see.


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