Friday, March 17, 2006

OK, I'm better now


I've recovered a little from Iowa's disgraceful loss. Thank you all for your support through these difficult hours. How did I get through it, you ask? How did I regain my emotional balance? In the words of Lisa Simpson, "Oh, tai chi and chai tea." Actually, it was Thai food, a few glasses of red, and the baby going to sleep for the night, and I'm all better. What a trauma.

Anyhoo, I'll send out standings, etc., tomorrow morning. I'm probably going to fall asleep before the last game ends tonight. I think I have a cold or something coming on. More to pity me for, I guess.

It's a sad day for Iowans.

With flag literally and figuratively at half mast, I am

The Poolmeister

p.s. Go Albany Great Danes!

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