Dear Friends,
OK, so it's been a couple of days since I've posted, and I'm woefully late giving you the Sunday results and the current standings. Can I blame it on work? Family obligations? Unseasonably beautiful weather in Maine? Sloth? Take your pick.
Sunday was a rough tournament day for most of us, but it made for some fun watching, at least. Tonight's four games should be good ones, and I'll post everyone's picks shortly.
In the meantime, Dana continues her domination, followed closely by the President. I see a bumper sticker here: Dana Duffy - Smarter than Obama. Like it?
Here's where we all stand:
DD, remind me, have you ever won the pool? If you hang on to win this year, how many feet tall should your trophy be?
Your lovely wife made me a trophy when I won one year. I now have it on display in the middle of my kitchen island. I will post a picture of it, if I can figure out how.
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