Those were some exciting Saturday games, no? Were you all watching? I was, with one eye, admittedly. Still, that Louisville comeback was something to see. Too bad Pitino makes me want to chuck.
The standings, alas, are less exciting. Dana, our own DD, is stretching the lead now. She's kind of mocking us at this point. Lots of jockeying for position up and down the standings, but the news here is that Liz continues her charge up the ladder. But is her late rally too little, too late? Only time will tell. Can she catch anyone in her nuclear family? Um, maybe.
Obama remains stubbornly near the top. Swing state teams seem to be doing well in the tourney. Here's hoping he's not mired in 2nd place this November in that other contest. For the record, I'd rather have him lose the pool to DD than lose the election to Rick, Newt or Mittens. Still, I'll never include celebrity picks in our pool again. It's humiliating.
Here are the standings after Saturday, with just 5 games left to go.
Here's to a lazy, sleepy Sunday to all of you. That's what we have planned up here in cold, rainy Portland.
The Meister

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