Holy guacamole!!! We have a new leader. I won't spoil the suspense, you'll have to wait until the end of this post.
Saturday's games were, in one sense, Dullsville. Despite some good, close games, there were no upsets. Every one of the higher seeds won, which is offensive to my left wing political views. (My left wing political views are such that I believe that the little guy ought to win every now and then, or at least have a chance to. They do not extend to the belief that everybody should get a trophy or that we're all really winners or that it's mean to keep score. I thought you might be curious.)
Where was I? Oh yes, Dullsville. Today should be more interesting. As I type this, NC State is ahead of Georgetown, which is a pretty popular state of affairs in my house, I can tell you.
Willow, it's worth pointing out, got all eight games right yesterday. Congrats to you, my friend. I'd like to bring to your attention how well the President is doing in our pool. Evidently, basketball teams from important swing states are doing well so far.
AND NOW, OUR NEW STANDINGS AND OUR NEW LEADER!!! Congrats to our mutual genioso. Check out the standings below to see who's currently humiliating the rest of us:

1 comment:
Dana!!! Outpicking Obama... nice!
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