Steve says some team that's playing right now should n't be wearing duct tape. I don't what he's talking about. He's just screamin at me to post stuff on the blog from the big TV chair while I'm trying to work in the office on the computer.
DD, yell in to Mr. Man in the big tv chair to ask him what the heck he means by duct tape. I mean, I know what duct tape is, but what's he talking about? Dying to know.
DD, yell in to Mr. Man in the big tv chair to ask him what the heck he means by duct tape. I mean, I know what duct tape is, but what's he talking about? Dying to know.
he said "they" had gray stripes on their shoulders that looked like duct tape. I dunno.
It was Arizona. Sheesh, Dana- I said it very clearly...ARIZONA! It doesn't work if you won't even tell them who's uniforms.
By the way, now she's yelling at me from the chair.
She wants chocolate.
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