Tuesday, April 07, 2009

All Hail Sophie Mac!!! (or, And a little child shall lead them...)

All and sundry,

You know how I love to quote my bible, especially the Book of Isaiah. Just kidding.

After last night's thumping of the Big 10 by the ACC (again. Can you imagine the crap I have to endure over stuff like this in my very own house?), there is a new order. A torch has been passed to a new generation. Our champion, and the winner of the biggest trophy I can order up here in Maine, is Sophie Peterson. Parents Liz and Matt and sib Ben trailing behind, Sophie trounced us all. Congrats to you, young person. Kudos also go out to Master Calvin Dewitt for his fifth place finish. Two juniors in the Top 5, it's a new day, people.

Only four poolies picked UNC to win the whole thing: Sophie, Chris Dykes, Maggi and me. We each got 6 points, leaving the final standings looking like this:

Player R5 Final Total
1 Sophie 84 6 90
2 Sarah P. 85 0 85
3 Maggi 78 6 84
4 John 81 0 81
5 Calvin 79 0 79
5 Steve 79 0 79
7 Dykes 70 6 76
7 Ruth 76 0 76
9 Knott 68 6 74
10 Tim 73 0 73
11 Scott 70 0 70
11 Willow 70 0 70
13 Katie/Justin 69 0 69
13 Liz 69 0 69
15 Gena 67 0 67
15 Hadiya 67 0 67
15 Kate 67 0 67
15 Michael 67 0 67
19 Ben 66 0 66
19 Cal 66 0 66
19 Matt 66 0 66
22 Dayle 63 0 63
23 Jonathan 62 0 62
24 Acy 57 0 57
24 Sarah B. 57 0 57
26 Henry 52 0 52
27 Rosalie 51 0 51
28 Bill 50 0 50
29 Dana 48 0 48
30 Alexander 36 0 36
31 Harry 34 0 34

One more thing: This will be my last year as sole Poolmeister. Next year, in keeping with our theme of passing the torch, I will be joined by Co-Meister Calvin Dewitt. Please welcome him to our ranks. With his co-meistership, Calvin (who will be, I think, 10 years old for next year's tournament), has taken on a host of adminstrative responsibilities, but also receives commensurate powers. For starters, Calvin is now a full member of the Rules Committee. Don't let the power go to your head, son.

Congrats again to our winner, Sophie. Your trophy is on the way to you. You should get it sometime before you graduate from college.



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